Schedule online now
Dr. Varady offers a variety of ongoing classes and groups, some of which are listed below. Classes provide an extremely valuable way to learn and incorporate practical knowledge that results in effective solutions to the many challenges we face in life.

Some classes meet at Dr. Varady’s office in Santa Monica, while others meet in homes throughout the area. Both day and evening classes are available. Because times and schedules change periodically, please call 310-452-1273 to find out when and where the next group is forming.

Here is a brief listing of some of the classes Dr. Varady offers:

  • Raising Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotionally Intelligent Intimacy
  • Marriage After Children
  • Purposeful Parenting
  • Purposeful Parenting - Bilingual
  • Sibling Rivalry
  • Twins
  • Play Therapy
  • Parenting 101